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The Benefits Of DaaS

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DaaS: Why Put Your Desktop In The Cloud? DaaS, also known as Desktop-as-a-Service, simply puts your desktop in the Cloud. Once you become more familiar with the concept of DaaS, you will begin to understand the benefits of putting DaaS in the Cloud. This gives companies the ability to access data and apps from anywhere…

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To Have A Managed or Unmanaged Private Virtual Server, That Is The Question

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Whether your company has a managed cloud or an unmanaged cloud, you know that just being on the cloud is a good choice in general. Now what’s the difference between a managed cloud and an unmanaged cloud? A lot, really. This blog will detail the pros and cons between the two options so you will…

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Public, Private, Hybrid. Which Cloud Is Best For QuickBooks Hosting?

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Public, Hybrid, Private. Which One To Choose When It Comes To QuickBooks Hosting One way to think about how the Cloud works, is to view the Cloud like the internet. Basically, the Cloud is a virtual place that will secure your data and information. There are three different types of Clouds. There is a private Cloud,…

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5 Predictions For Cloud Computing in 2015

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Over the past decade, technology has been advancing right before our eyes. The Cloud, in particular, has changed the way companies do business, without a doubt for the better. According to Gartner, Cloud computing is expected to reach $250 billion by 2017. Curious to see what will happen in 2015? Well, here are 5 predictions that we…

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Premise IT vs. Cloud Computing: What You Need To Consider For Your Business

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Thinking of switching to the Cloud? You may be surprised by how much your business can benefit by scrapping the old school premise IT. Business owners are spending too much money by not considering the Cloud. This article will compare similarities and differences of Premise IT vs. Cloud Computing. The main difference of the two is how they are accessed.…

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7 Ways Construction in the Cloud Can Help Your Company

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Average construction companies tend to be not up to date with the latest and greatest forms of technology. If this sounds familiar to your company, maybe it’s time to take a gander at construction in the Cloud. Previously, Cloud technology has been perceived as a service for the elite, those big corporations and large businesses…

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A Look Inside QuickBooks Online vs. QuickBooks Desktop

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QuickBooks Online vs. QuickBooks Desktop  The progression of QuickBooks Online vs. QuickBooks Desktop have been growing at a rapid pace before our very eyes in the technology world, in fact, QuickBooks Online is actually updated weekly. With changes constantly occurring, it’s important to be familiar with the latest and greatest versions of both QuickBooks Online vs. QuickBooks…

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Cloud Risk? | IDC White Paper Assessment: – Not Using Cloud Now Main Risk to Business Productivity

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According to a new report (below) from a prominent market intelligence think tank, Not using Cloud is now the greatest cloud risk to business productivity “Cloud risk hype continues to mount,” reports David Bradshaw, a market researcher at International Data Corporation  (IDC), “But underneath the hype, enterprise IT really is evolving. There are essentially two categories…

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