Posts Tagged :

Cloud Accounting

Webinar: How the Cloud can change YOUR practice

Cloudnine Realtime

Cloud computing is creating new openings for accounting practices and other professional practice firms …Register for Webinar: Wed 12-12-12 – 10AM-11AM PST You can perform billable work quicker and with improved client communication and retention with increased data security. But transiting to Cloud-based business and maintaining confidential data accessible over the Web raises deployment and security…

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White Paper: Paperless Tax Preparation w/ Paper Flexibility

Cloudnine Realtime

With our third and biggest annual Cloud Summit behind us, we will be recapping the benefits proffered by the Summit’s showcase vendors, beginning with an overview and white paper from SurePrep, a cloud technology that garnered a lot of excitement among attendees for its paperless tax preparation platfor.. Integrating traditional paper-based processes with paperless tax preparation technology…

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White Paper: Next Generation AP & AR Move to Cloud

Cloudnine Realtime

A recent survey of 350 CFOs taken by found that when CFOs automate their accounts-payable process in the cloud, the AP department cuts its work time by more than half, and slashes the cost per invoice by up to 70%. But surprisingly 73% of the respondents said they still use Excel spreadsheets to record and…

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Vote Now: The 2013 Readers' Choice Awards!

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Its Voting Season so Vote Your Favorites Now in the 2013 CPA Practice Advisor Readers Choice Awards! In the last most recent Accountants and Tax Professionals Readers Choice Awards, Cloud9 was the winner of Best Accounting Cloud, by a veritable landslide.  Can we do it again? See:  ‘Cloud9 Nabs 2012 Readers’ Choice Award‘ Take the…

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Winners' Roster of Awesome Application Awards

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The Sleeter Group,  a company dedicated to studying the market to find the best solutions that help small businesses work smarter, faster and more profitably, announced the winners of the 2013 “Awesome Applications” awards last week  at their Ninth Annual Accounting Solutions Conference. The awards recognize technologies that help small businesses be more efficient and productive,…

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Cloud9 Receives Sleeter's Awesome Application Award!

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Cloud9’s virtual server solution was named #1 in a prestigious annual accounting technology polling! Cloud9 Real Time was selected as one of one of the 2013 Awesome Applications by The Sleeter Group for its Virtual Server Solution.  With thousands of accounting and management programs on the market for small businesses, the Sleeter Awesome Applications Award…

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Tax Preparation Software Survey Highlights

Cloudnine Realtime

2012 AICPA tax preparation software survey highlights “Cloud Computing a growing trend” Over 6,000 certified public accountants assessed the tax prep applications they used to prepare year 2011 tax returns, indicating what they did and did not appreciate about their tax software in a recent survey by the AICPA. This year, the tax software survey…

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Hosted QuickBooks: Understand Your Service Options First

Cloudnine Realtime

Hosted QuickBooks for the Modern World of Business 21st century technology is altering the way businesses and their CPAs do accounting. The agencies that stay on the cutting edge of this trend will benefit from improved efficiency, reduced IT costs and greater flexibility. However, embracing this technology also can mean considering new business models. Hosted QuickBooks is…

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ABCs of Cloud Computing Accounting, a Basic Rationale

Cloudnine Realtime

Cloud Accounting and Storage: The Twenty First Century Way to Account for YOUR Business* When a small business buys an accounting or tax preparation application, like Intuit, Drake or Sage, typically its installed on one or two computers and stored within a local network where individuals access the integral business and financial information. However, if…

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Sponsors Announced for Cloud Summit 2012

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Invite-Only Sponsorships Draw Top-Tier Vendors to Exclusive November 2012 Cloud Technology Summit           Go to – Cloud Summit 2012 Website Cloud Summit 2012 is THE exclusive conference for business owners, and Accounting Professionals to discover the latest technological advances in virtual solutions. Leading technology providers including Intuit, Cloud9 Real Time, CloudSway, SpringAhead,, SmartVault, Office…

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