White Papers

Cloud Computing IaaS to Surpass $72B by 2016

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>>>>>>>>>>>>Click to expand Cloud computing IaaS market to grow from less than a third of the SaaS market in 2011 to nearly equal by 2016* *source: OT Blog & Forbes Pursuant to a recent Gartner study on cloud services projected for 2012-2016, cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) spending will likely surpass $72 billion, with…

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Law Office Applications in the Cloud

Cloudnine Realtime

Denni Coslett Crucial to any law firm’s consideration of utilizing Cloud Technology is, of course, Data Access and Security. While the technical aspects of Cloud computing has overcome those intricate hurdles of ethics and liability issues, it has done so with the exceptional benefit of Data Accessibility that is 24/7/365.  In other words, a firm…

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Infographic: Navigating The BYOD Cloud Revolution

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Click for Infographic Cloud Infographic: The BYOD Cloud Revolution and what businesses must do to protect their data – As new developments evolve to fill the digital marketplace, a distinct relative shift in how businesses and technology consumers alike utilize communication, collaboration and computation tech is molding a picture of a more connected electronic universe.…

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White Paper: Firms Harnessing the Power of Cloud Accounting

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Newly published cloud accounting white paper … … from the AICPA and derived from recent research conducted by Silicon Valley tech consultant, author and managing director of consulting firm TCG Advisors, Geoffrey Moore, describes the impact that cloud accounting is having on client accounting services for companies of all sizes.* *Sources: SourceMedia and BusinessWire See also:…

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White Paper: 12 Ways to Save Money Going Paper-LESS

Cloudnine Realtime

The concept of an office without paper, and possibly a paperless society as well, has challenged business’ imagination and innovation like few other subjects. After 1975, when an article in Businessweek announced that the workplace of the future would operate without paper, using automated processes and technology breakthroughs, (paperless document management) the idea of living…

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White Paper: Paperless Tax Preparation w/ Paper Flexibility

Cloudnine Realtime

With our third and biggest annual Cloud Summit behind us, we will be recapping the benefits proffered by the Summit’s showcase vendors, beginning with an overview and white paper from SurePrep, a cloud technology that garnered a lot of excitement among attendees for its paperless tax preparation platfor.. Integrating traditional paper-based processes with paperless tax preparation technology…

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IT Must Lead Businesses into Cloud Computing

Cloudnine Realtime

The Cloud Leadership Report lays out how, and why, IT executives and departments need to take the leadership role in bringing their enterprises into the Cloud, and enabling the enterprise to succeed as a Cloud Based Business. Without IT’s leadership, Cloud based business initiatives are much more likely to flounder and fail. The Cloud Based…

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White Paper: 21st Century Accounting Firm Strategies

Cloudnine Realtime

Cloud Strategies for Accounting Firms “Smaller firms comprise the majority of our nation’s tax and accounting providers, and while they may never have the revenues or amount of staff common to larger firms, I believe these firms will command more trust and respect from their clients when they fully embrace and implement these cloud technologies” These and…

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