
Small Businesses Are Embracing the Cloud Increasingly

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Doug Sleeter ‘Chunkified’ The newest developments in cloud, mobile, and connected applications are changing everything about how you will work in the future. “Your clients will soon demand that your accounting and bookkeeping services be in the cloud,” says Doug Sleeter, a nationally recognized pundit in accounting-software consulting. Sleeter, founder and president of The Sleeter Group, has built a network…

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Is Cloud Computing a Wild West Show?

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Cloud Computing Western Round-up: Is ‘the cloud’ a wild west show? It has become popular among some tech and industry pundits, of late, to refer to cloud computing as being still in a ‘wild west’ era of technological and legal integration. We examine the arena with help from experts on both sides of the aisle.…

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Changing up YOUR business game with the Cloud

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Cloud is a Small Business Game Changer Business owners and practice managers are always vexed with discovering paths to evolve and improve their companies and to spin old challenges into new gold. They are also on alert for methods to effectively distinguish themselves from their competitors. “One area that holds significant promise for companies in…

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Survey: Small Business Conditions Markedly Improved

Cloudnine Realtime

A new business economy poll of small business owners in North America shows a near doubling among those who report improved business conditions since 2010. The poll, by Citibank®, found that over 42% of small company owners believe that business conditions are “positive.” That represents a marked improvement since August 2010, when nearly twenty-four percent…

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Where Is YOUR Data Stored?

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Where You Store Your Data Does Matter, Have You Considered The Cloud? Image source: AIS Data storage demand is expanding at an exponential  pace.  In a recent Aberdeen Study (“How Much Of Your Data Should Be In The Public Cloud?”), companies polled indicated that typical data storage needs were rising at a rate of over 30% per year.…

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QuickBooks Leasing Advantages

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QuickBooks Leasing has big advantages. The Authorized Commercial Hosts for QuickBooks are the only lawful entities allowed to provide QuickBooks Leasing desktop editions.  Leasing QuickBooks licenses as part of a subscription service provides businesses and accountants with a new affordable alternative to buying QuickBooks each year, and helps offset the hosting fees. QuickBooks Leasing allows…

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Can Cloud Computing Save The Economy?

Cloudnine Realtime

Cloud computing is growing rapidly. While still in its infantcy, the cloud sector of tech has experienced more than just explosive job growth in the past 36 months, its a paradigm shift. The latest data demonstrates that the cloud computing arena is establishing a new economic paradigm for many industries and businesses, generating opportunity and…

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Best Accounting & CPA Firm Slogans

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“Every company hopes to create an advertising tagline for their product or service that stands the test of time, but Philadelphia’s N.W. Ayer & Son was behind one that may last, well, forever. Frances Gerety, a copywriter for the now-defunct agency, coined “A Diamond is Forever” in 1948 for Johannesburg, South Africa, diamond company DeBeers,”…

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The Increasing Value of Cloud Computing

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Source: Catalyst House Blog A recent study from technology publisher IDG Enterprise conducted a survey among 1,600 IT and business leaders. It revealed that a majority of these companies have spent more than a third of their IT budget to cloud computing thus far. Additionally, over 60% of those who participated indicated that they will likely increase their…

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Cloud9 CEO’s Book Scheduled for Release

Cloudnine Realtime

Together in the Cloud is a new book now available, promises readers a real treat!   Cloud9 Real Time CEO Robert J. Chandler, author and innovator of cloud computing solutions, offers keen insight into how businesses large and small can implement and utilize cloud computing technologies, and bridge the gap between users and Information Technology. Together…

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