Posts Tagged :

Virtual Private Server


Public vs. Private Virtual Servers: Why Private Clouds are Not Dead!

701 501 Cloudnine Realtime

We’ve heard it said that private virtual servers are dead and public clouds are taking over. Yes, the usage of public cloud solutions are growing. The pay-as-you-go model and no contract options are very appealing to many companies. But does that really mean private cloud solutions are becoming obsolete?   Far from it. A recent…

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The Savvy Business Move All Your Peers Are Making and Why

150 150 Cloudnine Realtime

It’s damn hard to keep up with technology these days. The average lifecycle for a single server is 2-3 years (if you are lucky), and each server sits on a rack with dozens of other servers that are also rapidly winding down and wearing out. When you consider the fact that replacing each server costs…

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Building Success: VPS Hosting For Construction Companies

150 150 Cloudnine Realtime

Construction businesses throughout California and the continental United States have one big priority: connectivity on the job. Their need for team collaboration and quick access to important data such as architectural renderings, measurements, online vendors, and team communication software is vital to completing their work quickly and well. Does your construction business need the power…

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Mobility Solutions for SMB’s through Virtual Private Servers

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Gaining access to the mobile landscape is a growing concern for small and mid-size businesses today. According to Tech Target, “Enterprise mobility is a term that describes a shift in work habits, with more employees working out of the office and using mobile devices and cloud services to perform business tasks.” The solution, of course,…

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5 Steps to Consider When Making the Transition to Cloud9 Real Time’s Private Virtual Servers

775 452 Cloudnine Realtime

Preparing for a transition to virtual server solutions can be an exciting time, but there may also be confusion and questions. Evaluating your company’s needs beforehand will help you reach your goals more easily. Considerations include the best time to make the change, the needs of your individual business, and how a transition to virtual…

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To Have A Managed or Unmanaged Private Virtual Server, That Is The Question

455 424 Cloudnine Realtime

Whether your company has a managed cloud or an unmanaged cloud, you know that just being on the cloud is a good choice in general. Now what’s the difference between a managed cloud and an unmanaged cloud? A lot, really. This blog will detail the pros and cons between the two options so you will…

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Cloud Computing Migration (part-2): -When Is It Really Time To Make The Leap?

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SMBs face critical IT challenges today. Not only must they deploy and operate their business software applications with agility, their IT infrastructures must scale to support growth while preserving quality of service – and always in a cost-effective fashion. See also: Sleeter Group Cloud9 Migration – One Year later Cloud computing migration, a magic bullet? Migration…

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Cloud Computing for Small Business Critical Data & Apps

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Cloud Computing for Small Business Exceeds All Expectation Cloud watcher Joe Hewitson at IBM’s Midsize Insider writes, “meaningful data is what drives modern midsize businesses. The ability to analyze and quickly process large quantities of data enables midsize organizations to make smarter business decisions.” But how does a small or mid-sized business effectively manage and…

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Webinar: Thurs 8/28 : Ditch That Old Office Server – – Empower Your Business with Private Cloud Servers

Cloudnine Realtime

Cloud-hosted virtual private servers are challenging the innate limits of 20th century localized computers … while maintaining a familiar appearance and settings you’re comfortable with. Register for Webinar Thurs 8/28 @ 11AM-12PM PDT  – Empower Your Business with Private Cloud Servers! Keeping your business efficient, secure, and ahead of the competition is getting more complex every…

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Moving Office to Cloud Gradually or Making a Big Leap?

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Doug and Sherrill Sleeter  The Sleeter Group When does one consider moving office to cloud? Business owners and practice managers are all abuzz about moving their office to cloud computing as though one could just wiggle their nose (apologies to Samantha and Jeannie) and instantly switch from software to paperless workflow systems. However the reality for…

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