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Better iPad Cloud Computing with 'C9 Mobile!'

Cloudnine Realtime

iPad Cloud Computing Just Got Better! Cloud9 Real Time has announced the release of C9 Mobile, its new mobile app download via iTunes that delivers true iPad Cloud Computing by giving users access to all of their desktop software applications via iPad or iPad Mini.  …… See also – iPad Your Practice for Productivity! C9 Mobile enables the Cloud9 platform for iPad users…

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Infographic: Navigating The BYOD Cloud Revolution

150 150 Cloudnine Realtime

Click for Infographic Cloud Infographic: The BYOD Cloud Revolution and what businesses must do to protect their data – As new developments evolve to fill the digital marketplace, a distinct relative shift in how businesses and technology consumers alike utilize communication, collaboration and computation tech is molding a picture of a more connected electronic universe.…

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Webinar: Effectively Run Your Business From A Tablet

Cloudnine Realtime

Transform your business to be more productive and efficient using iPads and other mobile devices.   Register for Webinar: Wed 12-19-12 – 10AM-11AM PST Because more CPAs, bookkeepers, and other financial pros are using iPads and other tablets and smart devices, software companies and other providers of web-based tools will continue to evolve rapidly to meet…

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iPad Your Practice For Productivity – With iPad QuickBooks Hosting Access

Cloudnine Realtime

Access Cloud9 with iPad The iPad was a phenomenon overnight. It has spurred a tablet craze that rendered your local Best Buy sold out for months and every employee vying to get one. The question then becomes, is it really a useful tool for my practice or a “toy” that could lead to distractions? How…

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