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Smart Devices

Sage Second Annual 2014 Mobile Survey: Mobile Business Budgeting Presently Not Adequate

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Mobile business budgeting: Surprisingly, fewer business owners and managers are equipping their people with mobile devices this year over last, according to a 2nd yearly poll from Sage, with barely half of those firms responding (54.5%) providing their staff with smart devices, down from nearly 70% in 2013. Click to read Mobile business budgeting survey responders…

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Infographic: BYOD For Small Business Now Essential

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Beginning 2014, it has become clear that BYOD (‘bring your own device‘) for small business has become an essential strategy, just as with the midsize and larger companies.   – See also: Navigating The BYOD Revolution Increased/enhanced productivity is what we all desire in our small businesses; and productivity surges when workers are happy in their roles…

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Infographic: Navigating The BYOD Cloud Revolution

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Click for Infographic Cloud Infographic: The BYOD Cloud Revolution and what businesses must do to protect their data – As new developments evolve to fill the digital marketplace, a distinct relative shift in how businesses and technology consumers alike utilize communication, collaboration and computation tech is molding a picture of a more connected electronic universe.…

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Gartner Says Half of All Data Will Soon Be on the Cloud

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Tech analysis agency Gartner just issued a notice predicting that roughly a third of the world’s digital content will be kept on the cloud by 2016. This is based on users’ desire to share and access content on multiple devices, without the need to manually transfer and synchronize data. In 2011 alone, Gartner states that…

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