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5 Predictions For Cloud Computing in 2015

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Over the past decade, technology has been advancing right before our eyes. The Cloud, in particular, has changed the way companies do business, without a doubt for the better. According to Gartner, Cloud computing is expected to reach $250 billion by 2017. Curious to see what will happen in 2015? Well, here are 5 predictions that we…

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Latest Cloud Computing Trends Cited In Studies

Cloudnine Realtime

Recent assessments of the cloud computing market size are all over the map, though by all estimates the cloud computing services industry is expanding fast.* We found these statistics while reading Market Research Media, cited in a recent Bloomberg report, saying that the cloud computing market will reach $270 billion by 2020, while Forrester is…

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White Paper: 21st Century Accounting Firm Strategies

Cloudnine Realtime

Cloud Strategies for Accounting Firms “Smaller firms comprise the majority of our nation’s tax and accounting providers, and while they may never have the revenues or amount of staff common to larger firms, I believe these firms will command more trust and respect from their clients when they fully embrace and implement these cloud technologies” These and…

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Cloud Computing Benefits for Finance and Accounting

Cloudnine Realtime

The Benefits of Cloud Computing to Finance and Accounting What Is Cloud Computing?  Many people now use the term “cloud computing” to describe many varied technologies and services things. Cloud computing is not new per’se. What that simply means is that software applications are delivered using Web infrastructure where the client side is a web…

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