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Cloud Accounting

Finance and Accounting Benefits from Cloud Computing

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The Benefits of Cloud Computing to Finance and Accounting What exactly is the ‘Cloud?’  Many people now use the term “cloud computing” to describe many varied technologies and services. Cloud computing is not new per’se. What that simply means is that software applications are delivered using Web infrastructure where the client side is a web…

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What CPAs Should Know First – Selecting The Right Accounting Cloud

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The advantages of cloud computing with regards to the accounting profession.   Amidst growing global acceptance of cloud computing, cloud accounting is expected to increasingly grow in popularity as more SMBs make use of cloud resources. “The accounting profession experiences the most benefits because the accounting field processes much data that can be housed online via cloud…

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Cloud Computing Statistics & Accountants

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We have heard many statistics and predictions bantered about, speculating as to the size and impact of the cloud computing market, and we stumbled upon some today: Click image to enlarge infographic – > .. Source: Bill Ives, FastForward  “The global cloud computing market will grow from $40.7 billion in 2011 to more than $241 billion…

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The Numbers have moved to the Cloud

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The Cloud has forever changed the world of accounting – the concept is not new – it dates back to the early 90s. Many accounting firms have started to take advantage of online accounting technology in recent years. ‘Numbers have moved to the Cloud.’  *Excerpt from new book ‘Together in the Cloud‘   Copyright ©…

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Cloud Accounting for the 21st Century

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The 21st century cloud accounting firm isn’t your father’s CPA practice – and in a few years, won’t even look like the firms you see today.  Cloud computing is altering the way businesses conduct business. Now you can reach virtually all data, and complete virtually any sort of financial transaction from literally anywhere. With an emerging panoply…

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The Best QuickBooks Hosting Helps Bottom-line

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Cloud Accounting? Maybe you’ve heard that “you can use the best QuickBooks hosting service” and didn’t know what it meant or if it even applied to your business. Or, maybe you have multiple locations and need everyone working in a centralized best QuickBooks hosting service data environment and doing it as simply as possible? AN EASY…

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Private Server Cloud Computing Accountants

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Cloud Computing For Accountants White Paper Accounting Professionals are bombarded in literature, emails, conferences and by consultants to move to Sage and/or QuickBooks cloud computing for accountants. They think they know what it means and they know there are some benefits to the technology, but have a hard time grasping exactly how it can benefit their firm,…

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Cloud9 Nabs Top Accounting Cloud Hosting Award!

Cloudnine Realtime

Cloud9 Real Time has been honored with the 2012 Reader’s Choice Award by CPA Practice Advisor for favorite accounting ASP/Hosted Solution Provider. [editor’s note: Cloud9 won again for 2013!] The new category of ASP/Hosted Solution Provider saw Cloud9 Real Time garner nearly 33% of the vote and trump the 2nd and 3rd place providers by…

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CPA Survey: Building Better Firms & Greater Life Balance*

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*Source: CPA Trendlines Bookkeepers, CPAs and tax preparers are making their New Year’s resolutions with excellent intent, vowing to research and use new tools, technologies, and increased attention to marketing to facilitate a more balanced  business and personal life, and to provide important new service benefits to their clients. In step with our previous post about ‘chunkified’ cloud…

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'Chunkified' Cloud Accounting and the Future of Your Practice

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Doug Sleeter Chunkified Doug Sleeter, president of The Sleeter Group, makes some excellent points about the future of Cloud Accounting, the breathtaking pace of new add-ons that enhance QuickBooks and other accounting applications, the potential (soon?) obsolescence of the old strictly ‘billable hours’ business model, and whether you and your firm have what it takes to be…

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