
Cloud Computing Brings Change & Opportunity

For some accountants and other business owners, cloud computing opportunity and cloud accounting are still big mystery zones viewed through a rear-view mirror. But for many other progressive accounting and bookkeeping firms, they are already working in the Cloud Computing Opportunity and greatly enjoying the work and cost-savings luxury of it. We hear it again and…

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Business Blogging for Accountants – part 1

This is the first part in a series: Business Blogging for Accountants, Lawyers and Other Business Owners and Practice Managers. We are hearing a lot of talk these days: “The end of business blogging…,” The death of business blogging…,” yada yada. And truly, blogging stats are going down a bit from previous all time highs. What with the many…

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New Cloud Accounting Survey

Cloud accounting & cloud computing survey results The new Cloud Accounting Institute (CAI) is launching its first ever survey to determine how many companies have adopted or intend to adopt cloud accounting solutions and why (or not). In addition, CAI seeks to know how many employees will engage the new cloud accounting applications and whether…

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Accounting Clouds Are Changing Industries

How Cloud Computing Is Changing The Accounting Industry Accountants must begin to see change as opportunity. With the present financial that all businesses are dealing with, accountants can offer better value-priced services to small and medium-sized enterprises. Instead of the annual client meetings at tax time, accountants must be better equipped to provide more real time and…

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Finance and Accounting Benefits from Cloud Computing

The Benefits of Cloud Computing to Finance and Accounting What exactly is the ‘Cloud?’  Many people now use the term “cloud computing” to describe many varied technologies and services. Cloud computing is not new per’se. What that simply means is that software applications are delivered using Web infrastructure where the client side is a web…

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Tax Season Tune-Up with SmartVault

Brush Up on Best Practices for Securely and Easily Sharing Tax Documents this Season! Free Webinar Signup: Thursday, February 9 @ 1:00 PM CST With tax deadlines looming, we know that right now your firm is busy gearing up for… well… busy season. But there’s still time to tune-up your file sharing workflow, to ensure…

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What CPAs Should Know First – Selecting The Right Accounting Cloud

The advantages of cloud computing with regards to the accounting profession.   Amidst growing global acceptance of cloud computing, cloud accounting is expected to increasingly grow in popularity as more SMBs make use of cloud resources. “The accounting profession experiences the most benefits because the accounting field processes much data that can be housed online via cloud…

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Cloud Computing Statistics & Accountants

We have heard many statistics and predictions bantered about, speculating as to the size and impact of the cloud computing market, and we stumbled upon some today: Click image to enlarge infographic – > .. Source: Bill Ives, FastForward  “The global cloud computing market will grow from $40.7 billion in 2011 to more than $241 billion…

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The Numbers have moved to the Cloud

The Cloud has forever changed the world of accounting – the concept is not new – it dates back to the early 90s. Many accounting firms have started to take advantage of online accounting technology in recent years. ‘Numbers have moved to the Cloud.’  *Excerpt from new book ‘Together in the Cloud‘   Copyright ©…

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Cloud9 Hosts February 'Practice Growth Principles' Training

Cloud9 ‘Growth Principles’ Training in February to Focus on Best Accounting Practices & Cloud Services for  Growing Your Firm Cloud Solution Provider and industry leader, Cloud9 Real Time, is hosting an in-depth training opportunity next month with its CEO, Robert Chandler. The Cloud9 Growth Principles two day seminar is intended for Accounting and bookkeeping Professionals who…

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