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QuickBooks Hosting

Increase Revenues Through Outsourcing

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What is Outsourcing? The contracting, sub-contracting or externalizing of non-core activities to free up cash, personnel, time and facilities for activities where the firm holds a competitive advantage. Outsourcing allows for companies to concentrate on higher-end services and what they do best thus reducing the average unit cost. ~ (2009) The Benefits • Cost…

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6 Easy Ways to Manage a Paperless Office

Cloudnine Realtime

The 21st Century Accountant is moving with the times, and technology is allowing for you and your clients to have a virtual and paperless office. This may make some clients nervous or hesitant…but we have come up with some easy ways to manage the transition. 1. If your clients don’t want to scan their documents,…

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10 Essentials of Online Accounting

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1.     Software as a Service (SaaS) – This is a model of software deployment that allows the consumer or business owner to access information on-demand. SaaS is a low cost way for businesses to obtain and store information without having to manage software applications or expensive servers. You and your client can have access to…

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