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Online Accountant

Cloud Computing Statistics & Accountants

Cloudnine Realtime

We have heard many statistics and predictions bantered about, speculating as to the size and impact of the cloud computing market, and we stumbled upon some today: Click image to enlarge infographic – > .. Source: Bill Ives, FastForward  “The global cloud computing market will grow from $40.7 billion in 2011 to more than $241 billion…

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What If I Lose Internet Access?

Cloudnine Realtime

We hear this question asked more and more: if I don’t have internet access and I’m in the Cloud, I won’t have access to any of my data? Yes, correct – but I think the bigger question is – if you were on your current system and lost internet, what would you do? You wouldn’t have email. If you…

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Increase Revenues Through Outsourcing

150 150 Cloudnine Realtime

What is Outsourcing? The contracting, sub-contracting or externalizing of non-core activities to free up cash, personnel, time and facilities for activities where the firm holds a competitive advantage. Outsourcing allows for companies to concentrate on higher-end services and what they do best thus reducing the average unit cost. ~ (2009) The Benefits • Cost…

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