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Small Businesses Are Embracing the Cloud Increasingly

Cloudnine Realtime

Doug Sleeter ‘Chunkified’ The newest developments in cloud, mobile, and connected applications are changing everything about how you will work in the future. “Your clients will soon demand that your accounting and bookkeeping services be in the cloud,” says Doug Sleeter, a nationally recognized pundit in accounting-software consulting. Sleeter, founder and president of The Sleeter Group, has built a network…

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'Chunkified' Cloud Accounting and the Future of Your Practice

Cloudnine Realtime

Doug Sleeter Chunkified Doug Sleeter, president of The Sleeter Group, makes some excellent points about the future of Cloud Accounting, the breathtaking pace of new add-ons that enhance QuickBooks and other accounting applications, the potential (soon?) obsolescence of the old strictly ‘billable hours’ business model, and whether you and your firm have what it takes to be…

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