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Taking Dead Aim at Billable Hours

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Is the ‘billable hour’ falling out of fashion? The results from a new research poll from City University London indicates that the ‘tyranny of billable hours‘ in professional service practices leads to over-charging clients, overworking junior team members, and neglect of important client strategic issues.  The study was carried out jointly by Professor Andre Spicer,…

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Cloud Computing: What’s all the Buzz?

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You’ve seen it on the IBM commercials, you’ve read about it in tech magazines – so what exactly is “cloud computing” and does my business need it? Cloud is used as a metaphor for the Internet, combined with Computing – you have virtual servers hosting all of your services and software online. Virtual servers allow…

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10 Essentials of Online Accounting

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1.     Software as a Service (SaaS) – This is a model of software deployment that allows the consumer or business owner to access information on-demand. SaaS is a low cost way for businesses to obtain and store information without having to manage software applications or expensive servers. You and your client can have access to…

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