After all of that outreach and interaction on your end trying to find cloud hosting that is a right fit for your firm – don’t neglect the most important part of the process – trying the service. Don’t spend your time shopping around and vetting providers only to delay your adoption. You can’t afford to. The sooner you start – the sooner you’ll outpace the competition and experience the freedom the cloud can offer. We believe the FREE TRIAL is still the best way of assessing the competency of any cloud provider and is a better indicator of service quality than pure price.
If you’re a sole practitioner, or a small to midsize firm, here are two questions you should keep in mind that will help you make an informed decision – whether you sign up for our free trial – or another provider’s.
1. Why are you considering cloud hosting now?
The ultimate decision to move to purchase cloud hosting is easy. Studies show that revenue grows 300% for firms that make the transition. We think the decision is a no-brainer.
So why are you moving? Are you experiencing declining revenue? Is your IT infrastructure becoming outdated? Are you finding it more difficult to service your clients? Are you finding clients desire a more technologically saavy firms than in the past?
Your reasons are important and will help capable cloud providers tailor-make solutions that address your needs head on.

2. What are you trying to accomplish with cloud hosting?
While growth of your bottom line is paramount, not every firm is trying to accomplish the same objectives by transitioning to the cloud. That’s not to say that all of the benefits of cloud hosting can’t be experienced by everyone, but that certain benefits will be coveted more by different individuals and firms.
So, are you looking to gain anytime, anywhere access to your key applications and data? Do want to close your brick and mortar operation? Do you want to be able to service clients in real time? Are you looking for scalable resources that grow with you? Do you want to stop spending time, energy, and money on internal IT? Are you looking to stand apart from the competition?
Stop thinking. Start acting.
Sold on the solution? Great – now you just need to try it out. You can get started today with our own free trial. It only takes 30 seconds. Whatever your growth goals are, the cloud is the path to realizing them. The only question is – do want to start that growth today – or in a year?