Virtual Private Servers

cloud computing and the cloud

8 Myths About Cloud Computing

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The world of Cloud computing has been with us for quite some time now. In fact, most people are unaware the concept has been around since the 1960s. You probably use some facet of it in your day-to-day life without even realizing it. From music streaming, social media platforms, and file hosting, it’s become the…

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Can the Cloud Save You Time & Money?

701 501 Cloudnine Realtime

Companies large and small always wonder if moving to the cloud will save them time and money. The answer is not always so simple. A small firm with very few employees will probably not see the benefits of going to a full-service cloud provider. They can usually get by with a limited service like DropBox…

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Public vs. Private Virtual Servers: Why Private Clouds are Not Dead!

701 501 Cloudnine Realtime

We’ve heard it said that private virtual servers are dead and public clouds are taking over. Yes, the usage of public cloud solutions are growing. The pay-as-you-go model and no contract options are very appealing to many companies. But does that really mean private cloud solutions are becoming obsolete?   Far from it. A recent…

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5 Signs Your Business is Ready To Move to VPS Hosting

150 150 Cloudnine Realtime

One of the most important keys to business growth is knowing the signs that indicate your business is ready to move to a new stage. When is the right time to make the gamble and hire those additional staff, with the hopes of hitting a higher revenue goal? When is the right time to move…

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Building Success: VPS Hosting For Construction Companies

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Construction businesses throughout California and the continental United States have one big priority: connectivity on the job. Their need for team collaboration and quick access to important data such as architectural renderings, measurements, online vendors, and team communication software is vital to completing their work quickly and well. Does your construction business need the power…

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You Can Still Use Those Desktop Apps You are Addicted to on a Dedicated Virtual Server

150 150 Cloudnine Realtime

Take a second to think about the software you use everyday at work. What comes to mind? Microsoft Office?  QuickBooks?  Adobe Acrobat?  Could you live without them? If not, we have great news for you!  All of these desktop applications can be hosted on a dedicated virtual server with Cloud9, giving you exceptional ease of…

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5 Steps to Consider When Making the Transition to Cloud9 Real Time’s Private Virtual Servers

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Preparing for a transition to virtual server solutions can be an exciting time, but there may also be confusion and questions. Evaluating your company’s needs beforehand will help you reach your goals more easily. Considerations include the best time to make the change, the needs of your individual business, and how a transition to virtual…

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See For Yourself: Case Study Highlights from Cloud9 Real Time’s Exceptional Cloud Hosting Service Track Record

725 458 Cloudnine Realtime

A web page, a salesperson, and an account manager can tell you one thing, but what you really want to hear is the story of a company executive who’s been in your shoes. When looking for a cloud-solutions provider for your company, it’s important to know how the cloud solutions transition process has gone for…

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5 Key Benefits of Private Virtual Server Services from Cloud9 Real Time

740 363 Cloudnine Realtime

Your servers make up the underlying infrastructural system upon which your company is built. But without proper management and professional planning, these crucial systems can also turn into a huge headache. IT personnel end up running their socks off trying to fix breakages, sluggish server problems, and user complaints. The last thing you want to…

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