Cloud accounting & cloud computing survey results
The new Cloud Accounting Institute (CAI) is launching its first ever survey to determine how many companies have adopted or intend to adopt cloud accounting solutions and why (or not). In addition, CAI seeks to know how many employees will engage the new cloud accounting applications and whether they are centrally located or use the application from remote locations. This time around the percentages will be the big story, but when Cloud Accounting Institute refreshes its data at the end of the year, we expect that the Institute will begin making its own predictions.
The survey aims to relate adoption decisions to company size, perceived benefits, perceived concerns, and experiences with installed software packages.

CAI Chair Lindy Antonelli
“Whether you have already adopted cloud financials or are just considering that move, we hope that you will contribute your views to this important study,” said Cloud Accounting Institute chairman and executive director Lindy Antonelli. “Not only will you will help us understand the phenomenon that is cloud accounting, but more importantly as a participant, you can access the results of this historic research to guide your own decisions.”
If you would like to assist in gathering this data, you may click here to take the CAI cloud accounting survey. Your answers will be kept anonymous and held in strict confidence. Anyone who takes the survey can receive a copy of the results, and you can be sure that we will share them with you here as well.
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