6 Easy Ways to Manage a Paperless Office

Cloudnine Realtime
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The 21st Century Accountant is moving with the times, and technology is allowing for you and your clients to have a virtual and paperless office.

This may make some clients nervous or hesitant…but we have come up with some easy ways to manage the transition.

1. If your clients don’t want to scan their documents, provide your client with 4 postage paid envelopes per month and have them mail their documents to you weekly.

2. Many documents can be downloaded and saved directly into their e-Dashboard (i.e. bank statements, credit card statements, utility bills etc.)

3. Get a dedicated toll free fax line for your client that allows them to fax their documents directly into their AutoTask center

4. Create a Virtual e-Box where your clients can view all their documents online

5. Have your clients email their documents directly into their AutoTask

6. Utilize a great PDF software like Nitro PDF to allow for easy editing, approving, copying, and storing.

Cloud9’s e-Dashboard technology not only offers QuickBooks hosting but also a full Document Management and Storage system, contact us today for more information!

See also: The 4 Big Advantages of Going Paperless


Sarah Gardiner

All stories by: Sarah Gardiner