Cloud Computing Migration (part-2): -When Is It Really Time To Make The Leap?

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cloud computing migration is part of the general evolution of businessSMBs face critical IT challenges today. Not only must they deploy and operate their business software applications with agility, their IT infrastructures must scale to support growth while preserving quality of service – and always in a cost-effective fashion.

See also: Sleeter Group Cloud9 Migration – One Year later

Cloud computing migration, a magic bullet?

Migration to cloud computing has been heralded as the new magic bullet to assuage these perennial challenges of business growth, yet there exists scores of explanations as to what is actually entailed.  Fundamentally, cloud computing migration is a step forward into a new business paradigm. It is the provision of on-demand software and infrastructure as service via the Web.

Your cloud migration can be to either public or private cloud provisions, or a hybrid combining both, each mode with distinctive advantages, while delivering increased efficiencies, markedly improved availability and superb agility in business performance.

Cloud computing migration, public or private?

Public cloud migration ensures a low initial investment, no infrastructure set-up and minimal management costs, but not without increased security risks, says Damon Gage, director of sales at Cloud9 Real Time. Conversely, migration to private cloud computing (like Cloud9 Real Time) translates into lower overall costs, easy integration and greater assurance of quality maintenance of service and data security.

But given all the ‘hype’ surrounding the push to cloud computing migration, many business owners and managers ask: what will occur if we just continue operating our business in the mode we have historically run it?  Must we initiate our cloud computing migration now?

There is no single straightforward response to that question, but SMBs need to understand that for SMBs, the migration to cloud is much less complex than it is for larger companies. And the longer you put it off, the more competitors you will have ahead of you on the curve.

Simply stated, your cloud computing migration is part of a natural technological evolution of where IT in the business world is headed, and for increasing numbers of SMBs, already arrived. While each business has its own unique necessities, and the scheduling of your business’s cloud migration depends on myriad of factors, you must actively begin evaluating the optimal cloud path for your business now.

Are you ready to explore your small business cloud migration options with one of North America’s most respected managed cloud providers? Remember us: Schedule a demo or a 7-day trial and discover first hand why Cloud9 Real Time is the #1 choice of cloud computing providers among more accountants, CFOs, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and CPAs. 


Sarah Gardiner

All stories by: Sarah Gardiner