Infographic: Cloud Accounting Software – Why You Should Move Accounting to Cloud in 2014

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cloud accounting software infographic

Infograph source: Sage UK

Cloud accounting has become the cutting edge of paperless professional practice applications in recent years, with increasing numbers of businesses selecting to move to the cloud in order to make the most of the benefits cloud accounting software and cloud computing has to offer.

If you are thinking about moving to cloud computing and cloud accounting software, we have included an infographic from Sage that examines the wins that businesses have already received after embracing everything cloud and the benefits that can make the most of by adopting a cloud-based practice approach. Also shown are some of the common phobias about cloud computing and cloud accounting, which include security and privacy concerns, in order to give you a comprehensive review before you take the leap.

Cloud Accounting Software Efficiencies 

Any business manager understands that bookkeeping and accounting are important components of operation that require time and energy away otherwise spent on the revenue-generating aspects of the business.

It can be challenging to keep track of all of the transactions incurred with your business. It can be further frustrated by inconsistent cash flow. Having a truly cost efficient accounting package reduces many of these challenges.

Is your business realizing the full benefits of its accounting application? What about your competitors? In order to achieve more efficient and competitive business operations, you need to be using cloud accounting software or you could be passed up by your competitors.

Having an outmoded or poorly-integrated accounting system typically means that a business is functioning at a sub-optimal level. Cloud accounting software solutions pave the way to sophisticated tools that many, if not most, companies could not have afforded in years past. No more just a back-office facilitator, cloud-hosted and SaaS financial management solutions add trues value for the entire enterprise.

 – Infograph source: Sage UK

cloud accounting software full infographic from sage


Sarah Gardiner

All stories by: Sarah Gardiner