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Smart Phones

Infographic: BYOD For Small Business Now Essential

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Beginning 2014, it has become clear that BYOD (‘bring your own device‘) for small business has become an essential strategy, just as with the midsize and larger companies.   – See also: Navigating The BYOD Revolution Increased/enhanced productivity is what we all desire in our small businesses; and productivity surges when workers are happy in their roles…

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Infographic: Navigating The BYOD Cloud Revolution

150 150 Cloudnine Realtime

Click for Infographic Cloud Infographic: The BYOD Cloud Revolution and what businesses must do to protect their data – As new developments evolve to fill the digital marketplace, a distinct relative shift in how businesses and technology consumers alike utilize communication, collaboration and computation tech is molding a picture of a more connected electronic universe.…

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Outlook Email Exchange Hosting Benefits

Cloudnine Realtime

The benefits and advantages of using MS Outlook Email Exchange are clear for businesses; The question then becomes is it better to purchase the Microsoft Mail Exchange Server and maintain it locally (ie, in your office) or outsource to an email exchange hosting cloud provider? Review Available Plans: Cloud9 Hosted Exchange Service With the influx of smartphones and the…

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